Email : james@megatech.uk.com - Site : http://www.megatech.uk.com/
Megacold™ are proud to have been expertly servicing and advising the cryogenic sector for decades and are trusted by OEM’s operating with high precision vacuum systems. Acknowledged as the market leader for critical process cooling solutions, Megacold™ delivers premium service throughout the UK and across the globe.
Our responsive network of service engineers provide on-site support and diagnostics to ensure optimum equipment efficiency. Established in the 1970’s, Megacold™ has built a well-founded reputation for the supply of quality products, in-depth technical analysis and excellent customer service.
Our expertise & experience mean that we have the knowledge to offer full advice and support for most applications. From sizing the correct unit through to design and manufacture of cryocoils, we can offer a complete turn key package.